Bluewater Growing Project
2024 Report

Dear Supporters of the Bluewater Growing Project,
Another growing season has passed by, so it is time to reflect on the success and challenges we have faced in 2024. We also want to offer sincere thanks to the people who have helped us throughout the year.
2024 started with a very wet spring, which delayed planting in our area. After planting, the weather turned wet again in July, leaving the fields saturated at a key growing stage. Eventually the fields dried up, and we received excellent weather for the fall harvest. We finished harvesting on November 1 st , which is earlier than normal for our area.
Overall crop yields were slightly lower compared to our long-term averages, but we still consider the year a great success! We are working with 3 new land owners in 2024, bringing our total workable acreage to over 300 acres at 11 different locations. With the help of many friends and neighbours, we harvested over 13,000 bushels of corn, 1,600 bushels of wheat and 8,000 bushels of soybeans. There is a long list of local businesses who contribute crop inputs and services, which helps keep production costs low. And finally, we received generous financial donations from the following sources:
Individuals: $21,075
Businesses: $17,584
Churches: $5,817
Our crop sales totalled $249,614 in 2024, and after expenses, the Bluewater Growing Project was
able to forward $141,000 to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank at year-end! This donation will be eligible for government-matching funds up to a 4:1 ratio. We have designated the donated funds
to assist with the work of the following faith-based partners:
Christian Reformed Church “World Renew”
United Church of Canada
Mennonite Central Committee
Presbyterian World Service & Development
Canadian Baptist Ministries
Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
On September 14th we hosted a meeting featuring a speaker from World Renew. It was inspiring
to hear about their efforts to provide assistance to the many people who need it. Thanks to everyone who was able to attend! If you are interested in learning more about how the donations are used for overseas relief, please have a look at the tab named “Project Partners” on our website: ( We also invite you to reach out to us if you want to learn more. We are hoping to provide more local outreach in 2025 and beyond.
We are looking forward to the promise of another abundant growing season, and hope and
pray that you will consider supporting our combined efforts to help end world hunger.
Thank you very much,
Jack Koetsier, Coordinator
John Young, Secretary-Treasurer
Bluewater Growing Project
C/O John Young, 5555 Mandaumin Road, RR#1 Wyoming ON N0N 1T0